Dracula’s Daughter

Dracula’s Daughter
#leicacamera #CCD Leica #Monochrom #Summarex #October
Model: Jamie Lyn #draculasdaughter Jamie Lyn
Percolating Pixels Photography
(This Site best viewed in landscape mode)
Dracula’s Daughter
#leicacamera #CCD Leica #Monochrom #Summarex #October
Model: Jamie Lyn #draculasdaughter Jamie Lyn
REMOTE LEARNING CONTINUES: The world is 20 degrees warmer, Trump is still President, and several dozen new pandemic viruses are identified every year. The year is 2045.
Violet Pixie #Leica #Monochrom #violetpixie @violetspixie #noai #noaiart @original_violet_pixie @alisa_pillar
1239 First Street, New Orleans
The Mayfair Witches Anne Rice #1239firststreet #NewOrleans #gardendistrictnola #thewitchinghour Percolatingpixelphotos.com
“Barb Howard” #fallout
Model: Jasmine McBanks
“But when the bombs drop, a 2-hour drive ain’t gonna cut it. So yes, there will be no dogs in the Vault, and no, none of it is ideal. But if billions of people are going to lose their lives, I will do whatever it takes to make sure the people I love — that is you and that is Janey — aren’t among them.”
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